The AIGA Design for Good committee invites all Changemaker team participants to get together for a casual summer happy hour. Come share stories, findings and challenges with the other changemakers.
How is your project going? Have your initial expectations shifted in the past couple months? Where do you need help? Are there opportunities to cross-collaborate and share resources such as photography? Perhaps you have done some user research that other groups would find informative. . .
We hope this mid-project check-in will provide an opportunity for everyone to talk about their progress, be inspired and get advice and answers to questions you may have come across along the way. It's also just a chance to have a drink and make new or deeper connections with some really awesome people.
The committee will be sharing details on the AIGA Design for Good Changemaker booth at the Seattle Design Festival block party 9/12-9/13. Rumor has it that the festival team is creating a giant interactive strawberry! We will be spreading the word about our non-profit and social impact orgs and the work being done through the Changemaker Series. We will also let you know the date and location of the gala at the end of September where we will be inviting friends, family, colleagues, and the larger community to check out everyone's results. We will outline what each team should prepare for the showcase.
Happy hour for food ends at 6pm but drink specials will be extended until 6:30pm for our group. There is no ticket fee but attendees are responsible for their own tabs.
We look forward raising a glass to toast each team for all their time and efforts! Please RSVP to let us know if you can make it and thanks!!