FREE! The Best Portfolios We’ve Seen Lately

The usually reliable says there are 1,317 jobs open around Seattle with “UX designer” in the title, another 1,214 with “visual design, and a whopping 3,966 job posts for employment-seekers who would like to see the word “content” on their future business card. You’ll take one, right? But first, you’re going to need a brilliant portfolio. Before that, you’ll need to see what a brilliant portfolio looks like. Join us for a free panel discussion, moderated by AIGA Seattle's own Thabby Regiani, and we’ll take a look at some of those five-star portfolios and explain how you can get one of your own.

Who should take this workshop

This panel discussion should be spot-on for anyone who plans to be interviewing for a job. Ever.

When & Where
Thu, Sep 21, 2017 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
School of Visual Concepts
2300 7th Ave
Seattle, WA 98121