Design for Good Matchmaking

Connecting diverse creatives and social impact organizations to address Seattle's food challenges!

We invite you to Matchmaking on June 11th at Substantial on Capitol Hill where we will bring social impact organizations together with designers, strategists, project managers, developers, and writers to produce positive social change.

At Sprout we learned how nonprofits and creative professionals can best work together, and about the challenges specific food-related organizations are faced with. During Paper Airplane we examined the problem statement and prototyped possible solutions. Matchmaking will take the next step by identifying the specific projects and forming teams to accomplish the task.

We will outline the secrets to create a good working relationship. Creatives and studio teams will learn how they can utilize their superpowers, and sign-up to work on projects. We will end with drinks and networking on the roof, where we encourage you to mingle with fellow changemakers and build new working relationships!

Participating nonprofits and social impact organizations include:
City of Seattle
Delridge Grocery Co-Op
Domestic Fair Trade Association

Food Circles
Viva Farms
Washington Latino Farmers Network

If you are interested in contributing your superpowers to any of the projects, please take our brief Matchmaking Survey before the event. 

Matchmaking is the third event in a 4-part series that brings together diverse members of the design, nonprofit, and social impact communities in partnership to use design thinking and sustainable frameworks to address today's community challenges. Read more about the Design for Good: Changemaker event series at


Thanks to Substantial for hosting Matchmaking and being a Changemaker Supporter!

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When & Where
Thu, Jun 11, 2015 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM
900 East Pine Street
Seattle, WA 98122