Have you experienced being dismissed or invalidated in the workplace? Has yours or your co-workers idea been stepped over? It, too, has been noticed by many and on July 26th, Lennie will talk on female leadership communication. This talk will help women and men identify communication patterns of both sexes, communication which includes asserting oneself (from both the speaking and listening perspective), and identifying cues which may be attacking or demoralizing and how to handle them. The talk is intended to be a collaboration between women and men. Lennie believes women need inspiration to use their voices and men need education on how to respond to women's communication/assertion.
Lennie Gray Mowris, a magically disgruntled manifestor is the founder of Lenspeace, a social impact strategy & letterpress studio specializing in creating sustainable community and purpose-based brand development. She serves the AIGA National Design for Good Task Force as a co-author of the Path to Impact, and is steadily working to bring this body of work to AIGA Atlanta as their Design For Good Director. When she isn’t helping to facilitate hard conversations about uncomfortable things no one wants to be talking about but everyone needs to hear, she’s probably lost in the woods or making prints to inspire and empathize with the human condition.

About the AIGA Women Lead Initiative
AIGA Seattle’s Women Lead Initiative (WLI) aims to educate, inspire, and empower women (including trans women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who are significantly female-identified) in design-related fields, and advance the vital discourse on issues facing professional women today. WLI programs are designed to address persistent biases and inequities inclusively and constructively around three main goals:
- To celebrate the achievements of women in design
- To cultivate awareness of gender-related issues while building knowledge and leadership skills
- To connect women by facilitating relationships within and beyond the design industry
For day-of volunteering opportunities, please email Kirsten, Women Lead Director, at womenlead@seattle.aiga.org.