Join us at a different local studio each month for The Lunch Box. Break away from your desk to visit an amazing studio and listen to local design leaders present original perspectives that will inspire, shift or interrupt your relationship with the design space. After the presentation there will be a chance to ask questions and pick the brains of some of Seattle's brightest design minds. Our May lunch will be hosted by Cognition Studio who will discuss:
Getting to Clarity
The world today is filled with the trend of information graphics, info viz, and data design, but 90% of it is noise and lipstick and has no real intended purpose. We need the power of design to elucidate complex information, data and processes through clear and effective visual communications. With big data craving a lens of clarity applied, how do you cut through the clutter to create information rich visualizations that have valuable impact and meaning? We believe in pairing data scientists with visual scientists (aka designers) to frame problems—methodically distilling the data to champions information that is significant, comprehensible and usable. Join us for a fruitful discussion about how to mine, parse and present data through constant distillation, tracking decision-making and pushing towards an intended outcome. Gain insights into working practices that encourage relevant data design and better design products.
Kristine Johnson holds a BFA in BioCommunication Design and a MAMS in Biomedical Visualization with several years of post-graduate study in visual communication design focused on the science of visual cognition.
Working in the Life Science Sector, her role is one of aggregator/filter/editor/curator within any particular client engagement. A constant awareness of the complex considerations inherent in working with scientifically inclined clients keeps her engaged; a thirst for constant learning keeps her asking the right questions. She sees her role to be one of outside advocate for the intended audience. Aiding the communication of complex information across broad audiences and using design to teach, communicate and facilitate learning of health-based information.
Kristine's primary focus is in biotech, health innovations, tech in health, user experience for healthcare, information design, and science storytelling. Using design to change behavior, knowledge and usability of information.
David Ehlert, MAMS, CMI, FAMI, has over eighteen years of creating best-in-class, certified medical illustrations for the Life Sciences industry. Working with the worlds prestigious Institutions, researchers and science thought leaders, as well as the diverse and fast-paced commercial realm, David is a gifted visual storyteller that helps bridge the gap between concept and reality. Putting pixels to theories, working directly with scientists to convert their ideas into stories before they hit a laboratory, David has an innate ability to wrangle complex ideas, distill ideas and make images that are as beautiful as they are informative.
David's primary focus is in infectious disease, global health, small molecule oncology therapeutics, and neuroscience. Using illustration and visualization to create understanding, an emotional connection, and drive cognition.
About Cognition Studio
Cognition Studio provides strategic communications for life sciences. We believe in the power of design and communication to advance a scientific agenda and make the world a better place.
Arrive at Cognition Studio at 11:45 am to pick up your lunch. Listen to insanely bright design professionals and meet a few new folks in the process. When registering, you'll choose from a lunch menu including vegetarian, gluten-free and health-conscious options. AIGA members use their member-number during the registration process.
945 Elliott Ave W Ste 200
Seattle, WA 98119
Follow @aigaseattle and #LunchBox
The Lunch Box identity was designed by Tyler Engman.